Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Happy New Year! is a happy new year! 2014 is flying by faster than ever, but that's not necessarily a bad thing as the new year has blessed us with a baby on-board....and we are ready to meet this bundle of joy in the fall of 2014. I think Miss L is most excited to meet the little pumpkin. She is constantly kissing my growing belly, taking ultra sound photos and putting them up my shirt to show the baby - "here is a picture of you, can you see yourself?" Other items make their way up my shirt like toys and baby diapers...and sometimes clothes!

The first quarter of the year, or first trimester of my pregnancy was busy, exhausting and roller coaster of fun!

We managed to ring in the New Year in a very traditional manner that we frequently do the year we enter a new neighborhood - a nearby house party, a few too many drinks and plenty of embarrassing dance moves with our new neighbors, as we jammed out to Mumford & Sons in their basement! In my opinion...nothing bonds you better! :)

We managed to ski a few times on the fresh powder in the mountains - a vast difference from the slushy-ice skiing we learned on - on the hills in Michigan. We even purchased skis for Miss L and launched her love with a fabulous first day on the mountain! It truly is a way of life here with many munchkins hitting the runs at about 18 months.
Winter Park Resort

The best surprise of the season was Denver winters. I have coined the term, "winter when you want it" as the best way to describe winter in Denver. If you want snow...get in your car and drive 1.5-2 hours. If you want to hike in the 60 degrees & sunshine...stay in Denver! One one occasion - we did both in the same day, while my sister L was in town visiting us! Basically, we barely had to use our full winter coats and I never once witnessed "dirty snow" - the kind that gets all brown/black and ugly on the side of the roads back in Michigan after it has out-stayed its welcome.

The second quarter and now second trimester is equally flying by with (semi-organized) chaos at work, the healing of a "bruise" type thingy on my insides (medical term: subchorionic hemorrhage - sp?) - yay!!, the return of some energy, the return of my ability to drink coffee (note: all 3 of us had stomach flu in January :( - ruined coffee for a while for me)...and the anticipating and excitement for my brother's upcoming wedding!!

Bridal Shower back in March - the entire gang was all there!

Miss L is growing like a weed - she is such a beautiful little girl, with perfectly placed pearly whites, an adorable little voice with superb articulation...and strong attention-to-detail and observation skills beyond her age. At 33 months, she weighs 30# 7oz and is about 37" tall (note: just tall enough for the IKEA playroom!). Her teachers continue to be surprised with her knowledge and vocabulary; and potty training is (finally) getting somewhere.
Post-haircut photo (3rd haircut) on 4.28.14

Hoppy Easter - 4.20.14

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