With every hotel stay, we usually bring home the sample-sized goodies from the room. Then, we have them displayed in a basket for our guests that come to stay with us. We love having housesguests, so I guess you could call it part of our Irish hospitality we offer here at "the L."
Besides...some hotels provide really nice smelling sets of products [specifically Tahiti Village in Vegas...and the Ritz Kapalua, Maui}, and why should these barely used bath products be left behind for the housekeeper to toss!
Well, earlier this month, Jeremy took this habit into nth degree - basically bringing home a weeks worth of hotel suite products - or perhaps he robbed the housekeeping cart at the Ritz Orlando! In Jeremy fashion, he assembled the products below and THEN showed me...which made me laugh outloud for quite some time!! :)
You see the triangle-shaped tall boxes on the left - coffee creamer/sugar kits...behind that - about 5 things of coffee, in front of that - a nice assortment of teas. This is awesome, since we are not coffee drinkers, I can brew just what we need for a houseguest!
Yes, that is shoe horn!! And a nice cloth for shining your shoes...and mints, chocolates, shower caps and more! |
I think we have about 4-5 of each shampoo, conditoner, body soap, lotions, mouthwash, etc. |
Quite the assortment...thanks babe! Maybe my "frugalista" actions are wearing off on him! :)