Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Only in Minnesota...

Ski Hill & Golf Greens...on our Thanksgiving Day walk

Only in Minnesota...can you golf the course during the day - and ski the slopes in the evening. This is the sight Miss L and I viewed on our walk on Thanksgiving Day. It was a "record-high" temperature of...(you'll probably laugh outloud)...55 degrees! That was exciting news to the locals. When I heard the news reporter tease about record-high temperature for Thanksgiving, my eyes lit up - I'm thinking, "Oh great!" Well, 55 was not what I was expecting...more like 65 or so. But...for November 24 in Minnesota- I will gladly take 55 and sunny (and no snow!)

World Kindness Day

Last week was World Kindness Day and I think this date has never been more relevant than after the U.S. election and going into the holidays...