noun \-ˌwind\
1: a small rotating windstorm of limited extent
2a : a confused rush : whirl <a whirlwind of meetings>
b : a violent or destructive force or agency
When people say their day {er, weekend, month, life} was a "whirlwind," what do they mean exactly?
Allow me to enlighten you...
May 8 - Daddy arrives home with balloons for Miss L and a bottle of bubbly for mommy! Jeremy accepts a promotion to manage Hertz, Dollar & Thrifty Car Rental in Denver, Colorado {insert: tears of joy, laughter, excitement, nervousness and celebrations}
May 15- Daddy leaves for his new gig in DEN, not returning home until May 24th.
Mommy & Miss L sadly spend nearly every.single.day evening sulking, indoors, as Mother Nature "blesses" us Minnesotans with either rain, cold or BOTH, every single day. As if we didn't suffer enough with snow on the ground May 2nd??!
Mommy & Miss L sadly spend nearly every.single.
Insert Typical Day:
Mommy experiences the life of a single-working-mom...perhaps the only job more difficult than a stay at home mom {which I have tons of respect for}. I am thankful this is temporary and have a new found appreciation for those single parents that do not have a choice. Drop-off around 8am, countless meetings/phone calls/emails that must promptly end by 5:15pm to arrive at Daycare in the nick of time {6pm}. Dinner + playtime + Caillou on TV + bath {some days} round out the long day at 8:30pm...and off to bed, usually with a glass of wine or cocktail to relax myself to sleep.
May 24 - Memorial Day weekend - spent with Daddy and Grandma came to down {pre-planned prior to the "move}
We experienced mass at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis. Last time Grandma came to town, we attended mass at the Saint Paul Cathedral, so it was neat to see the Minneapolis "monument." It really is special having such amazing places to worship within 30 minutes of our home. On a different note: J felt "sick" again and turned white as a ghost..and felt like he was going to faint again...just 3 weeks after his ambulance ride to the ER. :( I'm growing anxious and worried - particularly as he is flying solo in a different state.
The other "big" excitement on Sunday was Miss L's first haircut. Her "homeless style hair style" was looking rather shaggy and in a desperate plea to encourage her hair to grow...we paid a visit to the Kids Cutters! They were great with her - bubbles, TV, sucker...soon her tears disappeared. Now, she has a cute lil' bob and it is all one length!
The long weekend finished with a visit to downtown Minneapolis to show Grandma the Stone Arch Bridges, the Mississippi River and the need to get out of the house, after all, it was cold and rainy all.weekend {which makes mommy very excited to move to a place with 300+ days of sunshine each year!!!}
This momma needs to hit the hay...that is, after a little Jimmy Fallon!