How do you lose a baby? Well, I'm not quite certain. But I do know J and I have been working hard at getting more fit and healthy. We have
lost an amount equivalent to the weight of Miss L.
After stepping off the scale yesterday morning with joy, J followed suit. When we added our weight loss together since vacay back in early-Feb...we've lost at least 14-15 pounds. I said to him..."that is a whole Miss L!" I am stoked!
This has not been met without challenges and setbacks. It has involved running in the cold, dusk evenings after J arrives home from work. I mean this Minnesota winter has been mild...but it is still not as warm as our friends to the south! And...some days the timing doesn't bode well for Miss L's schedule or safety (too dark, too cold). But for the most part, we are determined to stay frugal and not pay for a gym membership. Afterall, spring will be here soon. {52 degrees tomorrow!}
Yesterday, with Miss L's auntie in town to visit, we decided to take advantage of our "visiting nanny" and go for a bike ride {since J was starting to develop shin splints this past weekend}. The sun was shining, the thermometer was maybe boasting 30 degrees and we bundled up for a 45 minute bike ride. Here a recent photo {prior to 2" of fresh snow in the last week}.
Note: yesterday was sun-filled and looked a bit more inviting than this photo taken earlier in the week! |
Needless to say, we were the only bikers on the miles of paths near our home. We rode our bikes to friends home to pick up something. And then ran into neighbors at the nearby snow hill, sledding with their kids. It makes me excited for spring, when this can be a weekly family trip. Now, we just need to find one of those baby carriage/bike carriers on Craiglist.
I am ready to hit the sidewalks again this evening when J arrives home!