We had our 9-month check up yesterday. I must admit, I was super excited for this appointment. Not only was it free of shots, but it was with our favorite pediatrician. Dr. Koch examined her, directly while she was playing on my lap, making her extremely comfortable and relaxed. Happy baby...happy mama!
Miss L truly is peanut status at a whopping 15# 7 oz...this would be the 5th percentile. She actually has dropped a little on the chart, but not a surprise with how overly mobile she is these days. Her height is in the 25th percentile and head is in the 50th percentile. So...Doc says she is "just skinny...and that is just fine."
We have hit some major milestones...just in the past 2 weeks!
- 1st tooth on Sunday - had to use a spoon to ding it to check its existence!
- Waves hi, bye - even without being prompted by us, she waved to a 3 yr old in the waiting room yesterday
- Claps hands
- Gives super slobbery kisses
- Dances - immediately as we play our favorite song
- Loves chasing/crawling after Mr. Cole {including eating his food}
Not too bad considering Daddy didn't shave and wore his bright orange tennis shoes...and Mommy {also not dressed in her favorite outfit} had to run to Baby Gap downtown really quick to purchase everything on the clearance rack to outfit the lil' doll.