Friday, September 13, 2013

23 Items to pack before the packers arrive! {Moving Tips}

After having moved 5 times in the past 7 years...I'd say to most people, we are considered subject matter experts. This move was not without the first time {learning} experience of "moving with children," but that is a entirely different post. :)

It never fails the packers and movers arrive at previous destination, pack up everything {thank you company-paid relo} and then you arrive at your new house quickly looking for key items.

I have assembled a down-and-dirty list of must-have items to pack...before you finish start packing {or having the packers pack everything}. Assemble a box/bag/suitcase with a few essentials necessary at the new house, prior to opening a single box:

  • Basics - overnight clothes, extra set of clothes {especially on a hot, summer moving day}, toiletries and shower items
  • New House "Stuff" - pack a roll of paper towels, a few rolls of toilet paper, a multi-surface cleaner, sponge, hand soap, dish detergent, pledge wipes {for the furniture that is a bit dusty from the move} and a dustpan & broom.

    Even if the previous home owners leave the new place spotless, accidents happen and you may want to clean a few things {i.e. glass shelves in a cabinet, etc.}.
  • Post-it Notes - arriving in your new kitchen will be exciting and daunting at the same time. Bring post-its and a pen to write out what needs to go where...and quickly re-arrange prior to loading the cabinets and drawers with items.
  • Towels  -  you will want need to take a shower the first night in your new home, yet finding the box marked "towels" might be an hour-long pack a beach towel, a spare towel, or something to dry off with! And the same goes for a kitchen towel and a hand towel for the bathrooms.

    Prior to closing on our new home, I found a lovely dish towel at World Market to quickly make my kitchen feel a bit more like home.
  • Food & Drinks - aside from running out for a sandwich or something - pack a few things for your new refrigerator such as energy drinks, sports drinks, bottled water, etc. to stay hydrated; and maybe some grab-and-go items such as granola bars, nuts and & fresh fruit!

    {My favorite pick-me-up is Starbucks the grocery aisle near sports drinks or the alcohol - Pomegranate Raspberry is delicious!}
  • Disposable plates, plasticware and cups - Again, the box with "cups" could be lower on the priority list of boxes to open, when you really just need a glass of water!

We were fortunate to have amazing realtors here in Colorado and they gifted us a big basket full of wine {including glasses, opener, etc.}, cheese, crackers and other house warming gifts. You bet your bottom dollar I opened a bottle on night one! 

Considering all of these items to pack yourself or to pack 'on the side' - perhaps it will take your largest suitcase or a big box to house all of these you prepare to move into your new home!

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