Miss L is such a bright, shining star in our world. Her little voice is so sweet, her mannerisms are adorably cute, and her personality is sparkly and fun.
These days, her vocabulary is full of surprises...and keeps us laughing, too! When asked "where is our new home?" She responds with "Denver, Colorado" but the "Colorado" turns into 6 syllables instead of 4. We STILL need to get this on video.
She may be the most polite 2 year old ever...accurately using "please...thank you...no, thank you...and 'bless you"...most times without being prompted.
She appears ready for life post-diapers...but mommy is desperately trying to hold off until after we move into our new home.
We had a few fun family celebrations back in Michigan for the respective families. Daddy even skyped us during one party!
On her actual birthday, our day included:
- Daddy working from home in the a.m., so we all enjoyed breakfast at Panera Bread, where Miss L thoroughly enjoyed her Pumpkin Muffin.
- J drove to Colorado Springs {aka "The Springs"} for the day for work...and us girls enjoyed time at the Pool and a long nap
- Dinner out at The Cheesecake Factory. The super thoughtful server started off our table with a "baby plate" of sliced bananas and sliced bread for Miss L. By the end, the team joined us in singing Happy Birthday to the lil' girl while she blew out the candle on a cheesecake.

It certainly was a fun and enjoyable day by all! Thanks to everyone who have shared in her world the past 2 years. xoxo
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