Tuesday, February 7, 2012

She was an American Girl...

Well, she was an American Girl. Raised on promises! Oh wait, that's the popular Tom Petty song. Although, it is one of my favorite songs to dance to after a few cocktails. I was referring to the new "American Girl" in my mind...the overly-priced, adorably-addiction inducing American Girl dolls.

Growing up, I was never into dolls very much (see previous post about that topic)...but as I quickly learned living near the MOA with an American Girl superstore...these are a big deal and I didn't want to deprive my little baby doll of the American Girl experience. We all like to live vicariously through our children, right?

Earlier in the summer, before Miss L arrived in our world, I was shopping/browsing the AG store at the MOA with a dear friend. We both quickly observed that the 2011 girl of the year, was this beautiful Hawaiian girl namd Kanani. This became very exciting for me, as I danced Hawaiian dancing growing up, love all things Hawaii, went to Hawaii this year, and am having a girl during this year of the Hawaiian girl. How ironic? Right.

Sooo, fast forward 3 months. Jeremy and I decide that the one gift from Santa should be Kanani...and then we each had our own agenda of items to purchase Miss L to wrap for under the tree. Great!

As procrastination would have it...I wait until the very last week prior to Christmas to scoot over to MOA, (note: this place is literally 15 minutes from our home)...to find out they are sold out - completely...Ebay is the only option. Nearly crying as I exit the parking structure, I call Jeremy and explain how horrible of a mom I am...afterall, I have had this idea to make this purchase for over 5 months!

Fast forward 5 days to Christmas morning, as we are opening presents from under our Christmas tree...I open a package marked "To: baby girl." I question, which baby girl this is for? Of course, the answer is reached once I open the large, rectangular shaped box and discover Kanani. Truth be told, Jeremy searched the Ebay listings the moment I called him, followed it up with a local Craigslist search and purchased the American Girl that very evening. Christmas was saved. I was in tears (of joy), because it reminded me of how lucky Miss L and I are to have the best daddy and husband in the world!

Miss L is nearly the size of Kanani