Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ho Ho Ho!

Santa has visited our home every year since we've been married, always in the middle of the night, filling our stockings and placing presents under the tree or anywhere they will fit (ie. my bicycle in our front foyer in Indy one xmas)...this year marks a new era of Santa. The kind of Santa that you have to set out a plate of cookies and milk for...and the kind that places shiny, red boxes from American Girl store under the tree, instead of pink, sparkly boxes from Victoria's Secret.

This year, since Miss L is a little too young to realize who this jolly big guy is...mommy and daddy have decided to take the reigns. We decided that we will each go out individually and shop for some special gifts from Santa to Miss L. Then, Christmas morning we can open each others gifts to Miss L and we all will have plenty of surprises. Knowing Jeremy, his creativity will be challenged and he will "out-gift" me, as he always does.
As far as my shopping list goes- we have less than 2 weeks until Christmas and I have to buy for Jeremy and the baby sitter. Not too bad. Now, just waiting for packages from Amazon.com to arrive to begin wrapping!

Ho Ho Ho!

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